My Charlie Girl...

...She is my world...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Children's Hospital, Boston

On April 25th, Charlie and I ventured out to Children's Hospital Boston. We are regulars there since they are the ones that know exactly how to take care of her medical needs. So, of course we hit traffic on our way. Even though I always leave fairly early, it never seems to matter. But at least the traffic moved at a decent pace this time. So, I found a parking spot on the 8th floor (I forget what animal represents that floor) and I began to get her stuff out of the van. It was pretty quiet and noone else was near us. I like parking higher up because then I don't feel the pressure of other people parking too close or all together, not knowing how to park at all. So, I got her chair out, got her bag and then unbuckled her. I put her in her chair and attached her harness. Put a blanket over her lean but long little legs. She had a smile on her face. If she knew what was going to be happening shortly, I guarentee she wouldn't be smiling!

So, we went to the elevator and of course there were children waiting to get on along with us. All talking to their parents. Having little conversations that seem so important at the time. The mothers and fathers have a look of pride on their face. I love that look. That is one look that I know I have! People get on the elevator and just look at Charlie. They usually cock their head to the side as if to say 'Poor Dear'. I just look at them and smile. Then I start playing with Charlie's hair. We get to the revolving door at Children's and I usually take a deep, cleansing breath before entering. We go around and around and then we are in. Such pleasant faces greet you and ask if you need any help. I asked "What floor is Radiology on?" and the employee pointed me to the set of elevators that I know quite well. "Second Floor" she said with a smile on her face. I went to the desk to get my parking ticket validated, cause if you don't it will cost you god knows how much for a few hours. It's only $8 when it's validated.

Anyway, into the elevator we go and we got off at the second floor. We went and registered. I swear I have said my last name so many times that now my maiden name sounds weird. We were sent to a different area to wait. The T.V. was on one of the Childrens Hospital stations and it was one that plays music. So, without hesitation, I picked my baby girl up and took her over to the T.V. I started to dance with her held close to my body and out of the corner of my eye, I could see her smiling. I was singing to her also. I think she likes to hear my voice, at least, that's what I like to believe. We finally got called in after almost a half an hour. We were brought to a room to have her weighed and changed. After I put her johnny on, we headed to the sterile x-ray/procedure room. It's funny how different everything sounds in those rooms. There's a slight echo and it's always a little colder too. It's just plain erie.

All the doctors asked me "Are you Mom?", and with a big smile I would answer "Yes!". They put my metal shield on and we were almost ready to go. Charlie's legs were strapped down since she is usually in the fetal position. The doctor performing the procedure applied some numbing solution around the site where the Mic-Key button used to reside. After the button was carefully removed, Charlie immediately started to get uncomfortable. I stayed by her head and held her arms up. She wiggled but then just started breaking out in hives, just like her mommy. I asked the nurse if she could have some oxygen and she agreed. They then inserted a long tube into her button site and passed it through to the Jejunum (area right below the stomach). I was able to watch this all happen through the power of a moving x-ray. They then inserted the actual tube which would be taking the place of the Mic-Key button. After they completed the procedure, Charlie took a deep breath and passed out. They said she was all set and that we could go.

I carefully changed her diaper and wiped her face down. She looked so peaceful afterwards. Needless to say, I was relieved that everything went as planned, for once! I went to the main floor of the hospital and donated some blood and we headed home...

We took a nap together... we needed it...

To be continued...


  • At 8:22 AM, Blogger Auntie X said…

    Awww... well I'm glad it went as smoothly as planned. I bet she was pooped. I hope she's recovering well. Will this change the rate on her feeding machine?

    I hope the Big Gah told you that she was a hit at Paul's parent's house. Paul's dad absolutely fell in love with her and asked to hold her. And Paul's aunt Camille was a great helper with getting her in and out of her cahir and making sure her feeding tube didn't get caught on anything. Everybody was very sweet and commented on how adorable and precious she is. Naturally ;-)

  • At 9:03 AM, Blogger Auntie X said…

    duh, that should be chair...

  • At 9:35 AM, Blogger Meri (aka Ama) said…

    I would love to go to Paul's parents house sometime. I have never really met the family and hung out with them. If that would be okay, that is...


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